(616) 232-3028 | Mon-Sun: 9AM-9PM
Enhancing the beauty and longevity of your property's exterior surfaces requires more than just a fresh coat of paint. Over time, dirt, grime, mold, and mildew can accumulate, dulling the appearance and causing the wood to rot. That's where our expert power washing services at Calico Painting come in.
Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to restoring the pristine condition of your property through thorough and effective power-washing techniques. y removing the grey and rotted wood from the surface this will reveal the pristine fresh wood underneath which will allow for a better bond between the wood and any stain or paint used. Whether you're looking to revitalize your home's siding, clean your deck, or refresh your driveway, our power-washing specialists are here to deliver exceptional results.
At Calico Painting, we offer a range of power washing services tailored to your specific needs. Our trained professionals have the expertise and equipment to handle various surfaces and deliver exceptional results:
House Washing: Restore the vibrancy of your home's exterior by removing dirt, mold, and other contaminants with our house washing service. Our team uses controlled pressure and effective cleaning solutions to achieve optimal results without causing any damage to your siding or paint.
Deck and Patio Cleaning: Over time, decks and patios can become slippery and unsightly due to algae, mold, and dirt buildup. Our power-washing specialists will rejuvenate your outdoor spaces, making them safer and more inviting for your family and guests.
Driveway and Sidewalk Cleaning: Don't let oil stains, dirt, and grime mar the appearance of your driveway and sidewalks. Our power washing techniques can restore the original cleanliness and enhance the curb appeal of these essential areas.
Fence Washing: Fences can quickly accumulate dirt and mold, affecting their appearance and durability. Our professionals can restore your fence's original beauty and integrity, helping it withstand the elements for years to come.
Exterior Surface Prepping: If you're considering painting or staining your home's exterior, proper surface preparation is essential for a lasting finish. Our power washing services ensure that the surfaces are clean and free from contaminants, creating the ideal foundation for a flawless paint or stain application.
When you choose Calico Painting for your power washing needs, you're choosing a team of experts dedicated to delivering top-quality results. Our professionals have the knowledge and experience to assess the unique requirements of each surface and apply the appropriate pressure and techniques for optimal cleaning. We prioritize your satisfaction and the well-being of your property throughout the entire process.
Don't let dirt, grime, and contaminants compromise the beauty and condition of your property's exterior surfaces. Experience the transformative effects of professional power washing by partnering with Calico Painting.
Our skilled power washing specialists are ready to revitalize your property's appearance, enhance its durability, and create a cleaner and healthier living environment for you and your family. Contact us today to discuss your power washing project, request a free quote, and take the first step towards a cleaner and more beautiful property.